What if we were to finish
the great commission
in our generation?

Core Convictions

1. The task of evangelizing the whole world in this generation is possible. Through the leadership of the Holy Spirit, prayer, and the concerted and united effort of the Church to proclaim the good news everywhere, the task of evangelizing the world in this generation is possible. (Matthew 24:14; Acts 1:8)

2. The task of world evangelization will be complete only when the Gospel is proclaimed to every single people group. The task of world evangelization will not be complete at least until every single ethno-linguistic people group is reached – no matter the size. Simply reaching the largest people groups is not enough. We must reach every tribe, tongue, people, and nation. (Matthew 24:14; Revelation 7:9)

3. All believers are responsible for finishing the task of world evangelization. The task of world evangelization and the discipleship of the nations is the responsibility of all believers – not just cross-cultural missionaries. We all have a part to play in this great drama and battle – whether we go, send, pray, or finance the work of missions – and we will be held accountable for our obedience to the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:18)

4. Missions exists because worship doesn’t (John Piper). The primary goal of missions is that the Lamb who was slain may receive the reward of His suffering. The reason for missions, then, is to produce a worshiping people out of every tribe, tongue, people, and nation who have been redeemed to God through the blood of Jesus. In other words, neither the task of world evangelization nor the Great Commission should be reduced to being only quantitative (in numbers of conversion), but also qualitative (in depth of discipleship). (Matthew 28:18; Ephesians 4:11-16; Revelation 19:7-8)

5. Worship-based prayer is necessary in finishing the task of world evangelization. God is raising up a prayer movement that is deeply connected to the missions movement. Prayer for missions with music and from deep relationship with God is one of God’s primary strategies for reaching the unreached. The Church must recognize again this necessary convergence of missions and prayer in finishing the task of world evangelization. Ultimately, the singing Church, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, is the primary vehicle and means by which God’s plan of evangelization will be accomplished. (Matthew 9:37-38; Acts 13:2-3)

6. Young people will play a critical part in the final push to finish the task of world evangelization. It is our conviction that youth will be vital in finishing the task of world evangelization. History shows that most great change that takes place in a generation is propagated by its youth. Just like the modern missionary movement of the late 1800s and early 1900s was energized by the youthful Student Volunteer Movement, we believe that it is God’s purpose to use young people in a mighty way to finish the task of world evangelization. (Psalm 110:3)

7. We are living in the last days. As we approach the completion of the task of world evangelization, we recognize that we are part of a transitional generation that will witness the Lord’s return. As such, a premillenial, post-tribulational understanding of God’s plan in the last days – and our part to play in the final years of this age – is crucial for any missions strategy. (Matthew 16:1-4, 24:32-44; Luke 19:41-44, 21:34-36).