ACTS' vision is to see young pioneering leaders in this generation raised up as laborers for the harvest among unreached people groups, so that the task of world evangelization, as Jesus defined it Matthew 24:14, might be fulfilled in our generation.

In order to train and send laborers, we have started the ACTS School to train young adults as laborers among the unreached. We offer 2-3 week summer experiences, as well as our full training program, which lasts 6 months to 3 years.

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At the same time, we know that the work of world evangelization is far too big for any one organization to accomplish alone. The following organizations provide excellent missionary training, and we whole-heartedly endorse their training and sending programs.

Other Great Missionary Training Organizations


Youth with a Mission (YWAM)

YWAM's flagship training program is the Discipleship Training School (DTS), which they have offered for decades all around the world.


Frontier Ventures

Frontier Ventures, formerly the U.S. Center for World Missions, was founded by Dr. Ralph Winter to mobilize the church to complete the Great Commission. They provide data, training, and numerous resources to help understand the task of world evangelization.


World Race

The World Race is a unique opportunity for young adults to serve “the least of these” by visiting 11 countries in 11 months. It offers a challenge to abandon worldly possessions and a traditional lifestyle in exchange for an understanding that it's not about you; it's about the Kingdom.


Urbana Missions Conference

InterVarsity Collegiate Fellowship has hosted the Urbana student missions conference every 3 years since 1946. The conference has mobilized generations of college students to give themselves to the Great Commission around the world.


Iris Harvest School

Iris Ministries, founded by Heidi Baker in Mozambique, offers Iris Harvest School as a training program for short-term and long-term missionaries who will serve with them around the world.


Bethany Global University

Bethany Global University (formerly Bethany Missions School) offers undergraduate degrees in world missions, which include two years on campus and 16 months overseas serving as a missionary intern.


Circuit Riders

Circuit Riders is a grassroots movement of young people who are carrying the love of Jesus. One training program offered by Circuit Riders, Fire and Fragrance, provides training and hands-on experience in bringing prayer and worship into the hardest and darkest places on earth.


International House of Prayer University

International House of Prayer University (IHOPU), is a part of the IHOPKC ministry in Kansas City, MO. IHOPU offers training in ministry, music, media, and missions, all in the context of a community of night and day prayer and growing intimacy with Jesus. IHOPKC also offers the Onething internship.


Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry

Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, founded by Bill Johnson of Bethel church in Redding, CA, provides training in ministry in the context of a community hungry for revival and the presence of God.


Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Ministry

The Billy Graham school, part of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary equips God-called individuals for theologically-grounded and skillfully-practiced service in the local church as pastors, missionaries, evangelists, apologists, church planters, biblical counselors, worship leaders, and lay leaders.


Luke 18 Project

Luke18 Project is a campus prayer movement that exists to fuel a culture of prayer and fasting to contend for revival and awakening on college campuses.



TheCall, led by Lou Engle, is a prayer movement to cry out for revival and national awakening. Although begun in the USA, TheCall has held prayer events in multiple nations around the world.